Micro-Aid CLS is a stability and pumpability enhancing admixture for flowable fill or other low strength mixes. The improved stability allows for more water and less cementitious material in the mix design without the worry of segregation. CLS is ideal for lean (low cement content) mixes that need to be pumped. The segregation resistance prevents sand from packing in the line which can cause a blockage. On its own, CLS does not reduce strength, but the improved stability allows for more water and less cementitious material. The resulting higher water-to-cement ratio provides pumpable low strength material for easier excavation. Untreated low strength grout mixes tend to fall apart because of the high amount of water and sand, but low amount of cementitious. The addition of Micro-Aid CLS keeps the mix together, even under pumping pressure and during freefall from the top of a hollow auger.