Micro-Aid FF generates air and improves the workability of flowable fill or CLSM (Controlled Low Strength Material.) Workability is improved through the generation of small air bubbles that act like ball bearings in the mix. Micro-Aid FF helps keep materials in suspension, so the mix stays homogenous throughout placement. Micro-Aid FF will increase grout volume by 25% +/-5%. Expect some compression during pumping, which can make it difficult to pump long distances. Micro-Aid FF is intended to be used only when low strength (between 50 – 250 psi) is desired. It is not intended to be used in conventional concrete. Micro-Aid FF increases flowability and reduces the water requirement by up to 50% compared to traditional CLSM. For best results it is recommended that Micro-Aid FF be added to a relatively stiff mix (1” – 3” slump.)